Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Second (impromptu) Marathon Report

I have a bad habit of doing things on impulse. Sometime last week, after a late night supper with friends, I saw a notice of the first ever quarter marathon to be held in my university. I had no intention of entering it since I have class right after it.However, upon entering my room, suddenly this wild drive of joining the marathon kicks in. Without thinking much, i went down, took down the details and went to register myself the very next day.

It was until after registering myself, I began to question myself if i can do it. You see, I haven't been running, jogging (or involved in any sports for that matter) for the past one month. I got sick in the beginning of the month for two weeks and right after that, it is either I am too busy or it rains.

But since I had already registered and paid for it, it'll be a waste if i decided to chicken out. I wanted to train but it keep raining so the only thing I did prior to the marathon was to add my carbohydrate intake.

I woke up late on the day of the marathon. Thanks to a hostel mate who woke me up in the middle of the night! It was quite a rush. I shove down two buns and drank a bit of yogurt drink, bath and head out.

I reached there and started eating my Power Bar. There was only 95 participants of which only 36 were girls for the quarter marathon. It got me quite worried cause I certainly don't want to arrive last. It's even crazier that I did not know which route I was gonna run!

It started off around 7.50 a.m. I have to say I made the same mistake of running to fast in the beginning and by the 3rd k.m I was almost dead. Hey, there was only 36 girls, if you start slow , you're gonna be the last easily.

The running got really dull very quickly because they made us run on this private road of my uni which is not open to public. The only thing I saw was trees, trees and trees. I'll have to say it was not very "conducive" to run especially when there's very little runners!

After 38 minutes of running around a jungle, I finally saw a building, 1 km from my university! It was an encouragement! I started running faster! There was a water station in front but I passed on that since I brought my own sports drink. What I didn't know was, there's still a long way back. About 4 km or so. I was getting extremely tired and there were very little runners left. It didn't help that I were starting to feel very giddy.

It got late and there were a lot of cars coming - no road closure and I started to have very bad gastric PLUS stomach cramp. I walked about a kilometre and alternate running in between. It was until the 9th km, my body told me I couldn't take it anymore. The cramp were getting really bad, I was very tired and I just wanted to quit. The organizer saw that I wasn't alright and send me back. But I still had to run another 400 m , so that made me finish 9.4 km of the quarter marathon.

At the end of the marathon, I drank a cup of milo and almost puked the whole thing out. It's officially my worst run. I usually manage to run 8 km easily without feeling any cramps, gastric or even giddy!

Related Post :
Penang Bridge International Marathon 2008


Anonymous said...

pedo meter. lol. beep beep. watch your back. old man catching up.

Melanie said...

Anonymous : hey, you do marathon too? :)