Monday, June 11, 2007

Lamb Steak with Lemon Wasabi Cream

Today , i cooked dinner! Took me about an hour to prepare everything... cant take photo of every single ingredients tho.. coz there's just too much pictures to take?

First.. of course you need the lamb! Haha! Make sure it's fresh !

Marinate the lamb with white pepper, salt , MSG, and a lil dash of black peper.

Then you pan fried it with olive oil.
The secret is.. first you seal the lamb , then add a nob of butter.

Next is the vege.. Just boil everyting , put salt , black pepper and butter after it's cooKed! suppose to have the pic , but i accidentally delete them when i was syiooK sms-sing with Jaron. haha! Anyway , if you're wondering the vege i use is - brocoli, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes,corn and carrot.

I also made baked cheese potatoes. This is easy lah. Just clean the potatoes, slice it , put mozarella.. then add parsley and black peppeR! :) Then put into the oven .. then wa la la! Done!

Lastly the cream. Gotta have the damn good highway mayonaise, lemon and wasabi.

Squeeze half a lemon , then one tea spoon of wasabi and three full table spoon of highway mayonaise. Stir .. till they "blend" with "each other". Lol.

Viola! Done!! :)

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